Honoring pioneers,
both past and present.
We’re proud to say PepsiCo has lead inclusion efforts in the food and beverage industry since the 1940s, when the company hired an African American sales team. In the 1950s, we were one of the first major American companies to have a woman on our board, and in the 1980s, we made waves with marketing campaigns for growing consumer cohorts. Today, we honor the trailblazers who have paved the way with awards for our associates who are following in their footsteps and leading us into the future.

The Harvey C. Russell Award
Harvey C. Russell was a member of the first-all black sales force created in 1947. In 1962, Harvey made history when he was named vice president, becoming the first black officer of a major U.S. multinational organization. To honor Harvey C. Russell’s legacy, we recognize those who go above and beyond show just how much inclusion can fuel growth and drive the company’s success.