ESG Data Hub

The ESG Data Hub provides a visual representation of our key ESG performance metrics through interactive charts and downloadable tables. It includes metrics addressed by our pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) ambition and beyond.
Positive Agriculture
View data related to how we are working to source our crops and ingredients in ways that restore the earth and strengthen farming communities.
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Positive Value Chain
View data related to how we are helping to build a circular and inclusive value chain.
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Positive Choices
View data related to how we are inspiring people through our brands to make choices that create more smiles for them and the planet.
Go to chartsThe information shown here is accurate as of June 20, 2024. Unless otherwise noted, our sustainability data reflects progress made during the calendar year (ending December 31, 2023), whereas our financial reporting corresponds with our fiscal year, which ends on the last Saturday of December.
As a general matter, recent organizational changes (e.g., acquisitions and divestitures) are reflected in our reporting as soon as practical. Unless otherwise noted, goals and progress reflect the impact of our acquisitions of Hangzhou Haomusi Food Co., Ltd. (Be & Cheery), Pioneer Food Group Ltd. (Pioneer Foods), and SodaStream International Ltd. and our divestiture of Tropicana, Naked and other select juice brands (Tropicana).
Organizational changes (e.g., acquisitions, mergers, and divestitures) are evaluated to determine if they have a significant impact on our sustainability performance and, as data becomes available, all reported years for metrics impacted by an organizational change are recast to consistently reflect the impact of the organizational change.
Targets apply to PepsiCo’s operations as well as our value chain (e.g., franchise bottlers, joint ventures where PepsiCo has operational control, comanufacturers, etc.) unless otherwise noted.