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Product labeling and claims

To PepsiCo:
As a global company with brands that reach consumers more than a billion times every day, it is important for PepsiCo to provide fact-based, easy-to-understand information to help consumers make informed choices for themselves, their families and the planet. PepsiCo has implemented a Global Labeling Policy and complies with applicable laws and regulations in all markets in which we operate.
To the World:
Clear and prominent labeling that is grounded in science can empower consumers to make informed consumption choices, by helping them to understand the calorie and nutritional content of their foods. Direct and understandable information on pack helps consumers to maintain a well-balanced diet, work towards their health goals and make informed choices.
PepsiCo's Global Labeling Policy
PepsiCo complies with all relevant labeling laws and regulations in all markets in which its products are sold. As we work to provide consumers with a range of Positive Choices, we aim to have a consistent approach to nutritional labeling across the world, based on the following:
- On the side or back of our packages (BOP label) and taking account of local legislation, PepsiCo provides nutrition information per 100 g/ml or per serving on the amount of energy (as calories, kilocalories or kilojoules) and on key nutrients — protein, carbohydrate, total sugars, total fat, saturated fat and sodium. We also include nutritional information for nutrients for which a health or nutrition claim is made.
- On the front-of-pack (FOP) labeling in all countries, PepsiCo provides information on energy (as calories, kilocalories or kilojoules) per 100 g/ml or per serving.
- In countries where information is available, PepsiCo provides the percentage of the official Guideline Daily Amounts, Daily Values or equivalents for energy, total fat, saturated fat, sodium/salt and total sugars on either the front, side or back of pack.
Please see our Global Labeling Policy for more information.
Front-of-pack labeling
Consumers, governments and other stakeholders are increasingly recommending interpretative FOP labeling that helps provide consumers with nutrition information at a glance and enables quick purchasing and consumption decisions.
In practice, local legislation requires a wide variety of FOP labels in different countries. These include labels calling out a positive nutritional profile and others using color-coded traffic light labeling and warning signs. The proliferation of labeling schemes makes it challenging for PepsiCo to use a single global FOP labelling system.
PepsiCo supports labeling that:
- Is science-based;
- Reflects ongoing reformulations by companies and rewards those that offer a range of options including reduced added sugars, saturated fats and sodium;
- Discourages or does not add to a proliferation of labeling schemes around the world; and
- Helps consumers make informed choices.
Nutrition and health claims
PepsiCo uses nutrition and health claims on-pack and through other marketing channels to provide consumers with relevant nutrition or product information to enable informed choices. If we make a health or nutrition claim, or when we add a nutrient for fortification purposes, we provide information in accordance with local regulations or guidelines. Where those do not exist, we use, at a minimum, those set out by Codex Alimentarius food standards, guidelines and codes of practice compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), including Codex CAC/GL 23-1997 Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims and CAC/GL 9-1987 General Principles for Addition of Essential Nutrients to Foods. Our internal guidance on fortification refers to the WHO/FAO Guidelines on food fortification with micronutrients (2006) where appropriate.
Substantiation of health and nutrition claims
PepsiCo’s Global Standards for Health and Nutrient Claims ensure a global, consistent approach to substantiate claims in a systematic, comprehensive and transparent manner. The standards require that claims are:
- Truthful and not misleading;
- Verifiable, substantiated and accurate;
- Clear and specific;
- Consistent with internal PepsiCo brand guardrails; and
- Compliant with local regulations.
Claims may also need approval from a regional PepsiCo Claims Council (PCC). PCCs are cross-functional teams with representation from Legal, Regulatory Affairs and Nutrition Sciences departments as well as others who may be required on an ad hoc basis. The first PCC was established in the U.S. and regional PCCs have since been set up in all of our sectors. We believe this process helps ensure that claims are properly substantiated regardless of whether local laws regarding health claims are in place.
Environmental labeling
As part of our pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) strategy’s Positive Choices pillar, we aim to build trust with our consumers through transparency — including by adopting environmental labeling. Environmental labeling can help consumers learn how the ingredients in the foods and beverages they consume were grown, processed and packaged and empowers them to make informed choices. We aim to adopt the environmental labeling scheme(s) which comply with local regulations and have a broad, industry-wide adoption.
PepsiCo follows local nutrition labeling regulations in all markets where our products are sold. In terms of compliance with our internal policy, across our top 23 markets in 2023:
- We included the energy and nutrient content on BOP nearly 100% of the time.
- We included energy on the FOP label approximately 75% of the time.1
We continue to actively engage and guide external environmental labeling developments. As we explore opportunities in environmental labeling, we will continue aiming to drive positive outcomes through our brands globally, with initiatives activated locally staying true to the challenges and opportunities in each of the markets. In 2023, we updated the labeling for our beverage portfolio in the U.S. and Canada to include a recycling call to action, “Refresh then recycle,” to advance our brands with a positive impact goal.
What's next?
We will continue aiming to ensure our labels provide consumers with easy-to-understand information about the nutritional content of our products and complying with labeling requirements wherever our products are sold. As we strive to to reach our pep+ goals, we are also exploring ways to continue to empower consumers with transparent information about our key products.
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