ESG Topics A-Z
Endorsement of multistakeholder principles and initiatives

To PepsiCo:
We endorse certain third-party, multistakeholder principles and initiatives to demonstrate our commitment on specific issues, to influence outcomes and to inform our global strategies.
To the World:
As a global corporation, we understand that our voice and scale can add to the momentum of certain initiatives and that progress is often best achieved when multiple organizations join together. To this end, we endorse a number of principles and initiatives that, when broadly adopted, have the potential to build consensus and drive change for global challenges like climate change, human rights and gender equity, among others.
As part of our commitment and approach to broad and inclusive external engagement, PepsiCo supports a variety of charters and pledges that promote and advance our objectives and allow us to support holistic solutions to systemic challenges that we cannot overcome alone. These endorsements and support are aligned upon internally by a variety of business functions, including Government Affairs, Corporate Affairs and the Sustainability and Human Rights Offices.
Among the multistakeholder principles we have endorsed and initiatives we support, some include:
- Alliance for Water Stewardship
- Business Coalition for a Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation New Plastics Economy Global Commitment
- Global Sullivan Principles of Social Responsibility
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- UN CEO Water Mandate
- UN Global Compact
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- UN Sustainable Ocean Principles
- UN Women’s Empowerment Principles
- World Economic Forum Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders
- World Economic Forum First Movers Coalition
PepsiCo participates in a wide array of external partnerships and initiatives dedicated to specific topics in areas such as health and wellness, environmental sustainability and more. Please refer to the relevant pages in our ESG Topics A-Z reporting platform for additional information, including our Agriculture, Climate change change, Packaging and Water partnership downloads.
Last updated
May 22, 2024